Danish police said on Saturday divers had found the head and the legs of Swedish journalist Kim Wall, who died in mysterious circumstances on an inventor’s homemade submarine. Self-taught engineer and inventor Peter Madsen, 46, who is married, has been accused of Wall’s death. Kim Wall disappeared after she went on a trip with Peter Madsen in his submarine on August 10. Madsen, a Dane, was arrested and charged with Wall's death after his submarine sank and he was rescued. Charges he has since denied. Instead, Madsen, who has been in custody since August 11, claims that Wall, 30, died in an accident when she was hit by a heavy hatch cover on board his submarine. His lawyer Betina Hald Engmark said she had been informed of the development, but had not received any material or evidence to support or refute the claim. Police identified a headless female torso that washed ashore in Copenhagen later in August as Wall‘s, but a cause of death w...