Nollywood actress and Filmmaker Blessing Egbe, premiered her highly anticipated new movie ‘The Women’ at the IMAX Cinemas, Lekki, Lagos, on Friday. The event was quite colorful as several celebrities and movie lovers graced the red carpet. The glamorous event was attended by star actors such as Omoni Oboli, Ufuoma McDermott, Kate Henshaw, Femi Branch, Kene Mkparu, Samuel Olatunji (Bigsam), Moses Babatope, Gregory Ojefua, Kalu Ikeagwu, Anthony Monjaro, Lillian Afegbai, Rita Dominic and host of others. The movie ‘The Women’ follows the events that occur when a group of women and their partners decided to go on a weekend getaway. At this getaway event, the set of malicious women are met with challenging trials that each must confront or succumb to. A tale of love, friendship, lies, and betrayals, take us all on an interesting journey filled with so much drama, humor, and lessons. The movie touch on may emotions that the screening hall became emotionally charged wi...